The Adaptariat program…

looking for adapter partners

The wheels illustrated in this image represent the condition of living in a wheelchair and also a gear that works towards reaching the full potential of a person with spinal cord injury: that is to say, an active life that will allow them to realize themselves and contribute to the advancement of their chair of life, but also to the advancement of the Ferris wheel of life in our society.
Our Adaptariat program supports this colorful approach in a concrete way. In other words, the greater the financial assistance of the adapter is the more it supports the spinal injured people to an active and stimulating life. The financial assistance specific to each level of Adapter does not reflect the cost of a particular adaptation but rather a financial commitment having a significant impact in the process of advancing towards active life for spinal cord injured people.

Here are the Adapter levels starting with the highest:

Active life

Social inclusion




Membership and duration of the program

This program is intended for companies established in Canada. They can join one of our visibility plans at any time of the year for a period of 12, 24 or 36 months.

If you want more information about the financial and visibility of the Adaptariat program, you can contact our director, Julien Racicot


Our partners

Thank you to all those who allow us to achieve our mission. You are helping to make a big difference!